I just wanted to provide everyone with a status update of just how successful season 11 was for the site.
While we essentially broke even in terms of profitability we were able to pay out over $22,000 in non-bonus earnings last season alone! That's a whopping 78% increase in prize money from the previous season. That puts us on target to potentially break 100k for 2018 which is a huge step forward for the site.

The championship series is an astounding value for players at this point in time.
There were $900 in tokens used last season to enter the various qualifiers along with $1,300 in nominations for a total of $2,200 used towards the series. That's roughly 22% of the $10,029.55 that was paid out, simply an outstanding value and a great reason for anyone to get involved.
Top Stable
Anfield Road $6,717
Horse Data
We had the largest two year old crop of horses since changing to a subscription format with 1581 sales ring horses and 720 home breds (2301). The homebreds earned an average of $12.99 with a whopping $29.88 per starter! Those are massive numbers when you consider most of those horses have at least 2 more seasons of racing to go. You will not find another site with those kind of figures.
Thanks to everyone involved and we look forward to continuing to improve what we can offer you as an entertainment experience.
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